Disappearing Act
Seems as soon as I belong, its time I disappear. So ends a magical year on the high plains of southern Mongolia. The people were friendly, the food was intense, the experience something I can't quite yet begin to describe. I have nothing bad to say about Peace Corps or Mongolia. PC is an amazing organization supported by extraordinary people (well, more so than not). Too bad the government doesn't realize that terrorists would most likely not be exploding at every corner had they funneled gazillions of dollars into PC instead of weapons of mass destruction and their cronies bank accounts. I should stop 'fore I get started...
It isn't easy living in a far, distant kultura...like living on Mars or another planet. It wasn't amusing getting vodka shoved down my throat all the time and being stuck with the weekly menu of meat fat, flour and potatoes perhaps with some onions and carrots tossed in. But it was intensely entertaining and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Once the first year goes down, the rest is easy. However, another year wasn't showing up on my radar. Soul searching crept in again. It was time for this restless soul to move again. I went in search of nomads and discovered I am more nomadic than some of them.
No, I did not secretly get married nor do I plan to for at least another decade. A man must follow his heart. I feel like the lead character in "The Alchemist" when he is stuck in the palms for a time, awaiting the tribal feuds to subside. When they do, he goes in search of the key to his treasure and discovers it has forever resided in his backyard.
It saddens me to void my commitment, to leave my friends behind in Mongolia and all those beautiful, young, bright children. I know I will return someday...to visit and, who knows, perhaps even work and live again. That, in addition to the memories and stories I carry with me, will in a way continue the commitment. Praise to those who stay the two years and longer. Here's to good times and happiness...because life really is a short fuse.
"... There is a winner in every place
There is a heart that's beating in every page
The beginning of it starts at the end
When it's time to walk away and start over again..."
There is a heart that's beating in every page
The beginning of it starts at the end
When it's time to walk away and start over again..."
Bravooo.... Gaihaltai saihan medremj turluu....
13/5/09 05:09
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