"...walking in circles for years in a desert you eventually enter a state of mind that makes you walk a straight line, towards the sun, towards the kingdom..."

09 November 2006

DY 49-37

Right. The Mongolia Project. What does it consist of? A basketball court without boards or a rim. A volleyball net fret with so many holes it becomes difficult to discern the validity of a play on occasion (volleyball being the nation's #1 sport sans downing vodka). Miraculously, a computer room. With actual computers! But they're all virus infested. Some of the students chairs lack the proper screws thus every so often a "thump" will occur during lesson. Most kids don't have textbooks and high school is only 3 years. Looking on the bright side, things could be worse. I could be working inner-city Chicago, with kids that deal, pack and perform sexual favors for $5 a pop. They also throw pennies at you. Note: These are isolated incidents and not meant to paint a bleak picture of my hometown. The kids here are just the darn cutest things!

Let's see, who else has passed through these dusty plains...a South African and a Tennessee man. The coffee and wine are out. It's gonna be a long winter but time is passing quickly. My conscience is clean and I've lost everything I don't need. It's nice to boil life down to it's essence.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there, nice to see you, at least on photos. Very best Regards from Croatia.

May Force be with you.


27/12/06 17:31

Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!//^___^//

2/1/07 11:20


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